Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back in the Big Chair -- At least for a few hours

OK, so I'm back at work today, for at least a few hours. The daycare
for Emilia hasn't started yet, but she seems to be settling down
enough that she doesn't need my constant attention. Also, a few hours
in the early morning will help too. I'm watching my time carefully
and if I can manage 4 hours -- even if broken up -- it will be a big
step forward.

My mother came for a visit last week and took care of Emilia for a
few days and it got me hungry to get back to work. I really was only
playing catch up with tech support (and I'm still doing that -- more
in a later post) and doing a little strategic planning for the next
round of updates, but I got some stuff done and that made me very happy.

Mom managed to get Emilia to play on her own for a while on the floor
and in front of the TV. She honestly never did that for me. She
always wanted me right there next to her and would fuss up a storm if
I was even just on the other side of the room. I guess Mom got her
through it and she seems quite content to watch Winnie the Pooh (for
20 minutes now anyhow).

Well lets see what I can get done...

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