Friday, October 24, 2008

More than one way to Replay

When we built RSS Replay we ran into an interesting problem. RSS
Replay uses JavaScript (AJAX) to request and place content onto web
page layouts. But JavaScript has a same-origin rule that restricts
access to remote content to only other items from the same website.
We got around this in Replay by building proxy server-side scripts
that load and cache RSS content from remote sources. It works very
well for our needs.

Well the clever folks over at figured out a way to use CSS
import commands to capture RSS content. Interestingly, they still
require a server-side script to break large feeds into multiple small

I guess there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Been out sick, but now I'm back

Emilia, Kim and I have all been a little under the weather for a few
weeks now. We've been passing some kind of cold thing between us.
Last week it finally landed on me hard. I had managed to find a fix a
few bugs in RSS Replay in the lab and I was just about to bundle it
up and send it out the door when I got smacked down. So now I'm back
up and code will begin to flow again. For those of you following
along at home (or waiting because it was your bug that I fixed) the
updates should be ready early next week (tuesday-ish).

Friday, October 17, 2008


MAMA (Metadata Analysis and Mining Application) is Opera's structural
search engine that reviewed over 3.5 million URLs (pages); whereas
normal search engines return results about the content of pages, MAMA
returns results about site structure, including what doctype the page
uses, whether it validates, what HTML elements and CSS properties it
uses, what plugins, what scriping constructs, and much more. This is
an invaluable tool for many individuals and companies involved in our
industry, and Opera wants to share it with everyone -- so I'm going
to help with a link. Here's their key findings

This is brilliantly useful information.